The Symptoms Of Lung Cancer, Part 2

Posted by Outdoor on Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lung cancer most commonly associated with tobacco cigarettes. It is, therefore, can be prevented by quitting smoking discouraging more people from the beginning of smoking in the first place. Besides the known symptoms of lung cancer related to the respiratory system, such as cough, there are other symptoms that occur in other organs. In particular, symptoms that do not appear in the respiratory system associated with the spread of disease to other parts of the body. All cancers have the ability to spread from the place they initially start at the other places. For example, prostate cancer can spread to the bones. Breast cancer can spread to the liver and so on.

One of the symptoms associated with cancer of the lungs, and yet do not occur in the respiratory system is the swelling of the face, hands and vrat.Pacijent can have visible veins on the skin of the chest caused by what is known as the superior Vena Cava Syndrome. May Further symptoms include pain in the shoulder, arm muscle weakness, bone destruction that could be perceived as pain in the bones. Patients may also have headache, weakness, numbness or even paralysis of the dizziness, partial loss of vision, unexplained weight loss, yellowing of the skin medically known as jaundice. Fluid in the chest or abdomen and irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath and other symptoms of lung cancer.

There are other rare symptoms of lung cancer occurs away from the lungs. These include lumps or under the skin, protrusion of the eyes, eyelid tumors, intestinal perforation experience to serve as abdominal pain with fever, acute pancreatitis is seen as severe abdominal pain and changes in blood sugar levels. There are various skin disorders that are associated with some cases of the disease. Doctors believe that these conditions are caused by abnormal behavior of white blood cells and their antibody response to either tumor or tumor caused by the substance. Itchy skin is also associated with the disease, including chronic reading patches and dark spots, as well as chronic inflammation in the skin occur in conjunction with the muscles and inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. In addition to skin, symptoms of lung cancer can also spread to the blood of the patient.