cancer if not caught in its early stages presents many difficulties when it comes to liječenje.Isto true for ovarian cancer, particularly because no specific symptoms that can be used for the initial diagnosis. There are no preventive measures against him, and because it affects many thousands of women across the country, it must be properly screened out at the earliest possible stage. This allows for a better outlook for patients who choose conventional treatment and boost life expectancy for those election operations. Unlike most diseases, ovarian cancer does not show certain types of symptoms in early stages. Most problems are treated as hormonal disorders, and not check for any irregularities.
There are some symptoms you experienced often in combination, provides a reason to check for ovarian cancer. These include loss of appetite, weight after a light meal, unexplained weight loss or gain, nausea, diarrhea, frequent urination, constipation, bloating or inflammation of the stomach, indigestion, and abnormal bleeding between menstrual cycles. When someone has these symptoms for more than three weeks with no relief from conventional medicines, it can signal ovarian cancer. When you suffer from persistent abdominal pain and discomfort, pelvic examination may reveal the need for further screening. For women who have a family history of ovarian cancer in general or in specific are also advised to go in for screening.Screeninga includes two main procedures, transvaginal ultrasound or a TV-CA 125 blood test.
transvaginal ultrasound screening procedure that can usually show ovarian cancer. It is, however, the process is not perfect and not fully pouzdan.CA 125 blood test is definitely more reliable than TVS, but too much is not 100% guarantee. For stage I patients, it can return 50% of the true result and require other methods to supplement it. As testing moves to stage II, III and IV, the accuracy goes up to 80%. However, it is best to get more screenings done immediately. Serial CA 125 test is the best way to achieve a reliable result, because it takes into account the fluctuations of CA in the blood over several days, and returns the result. There are other types of blood tests are developed for screening for ovarian cancer. Currently, only OXVI test shows some sign that the diagnostic tool.
If you are a true positive result is shown in these projections, it is advised to consult with your doctor and get yourself tested further and go in for further treatment. Ovarian cancer is caught at early stages can be controlled and treated without further problems. This increases the life expectancy for patients and allows a more intensive way of treatment that keeps remission dulje.Najvažnije give is to not ignore any warning signs of his body May be sent immediately and consult a gynecologist when experiencing irregular or uncharacteristic bleeding, sudden fatigue or cramping in the stomach for no reason .