Why do young people smoke?
Smoking is very common now a days in the teens, they believe that smoking is a sign of adulthood. They think that smoking is the coolest way to attract ljudi.Privlači ads that linked smoking to maturity, social status.
, however, studies have shown that people smoke a lot of potential to conceal their weaknesses and flaws, such as defects in the study or sport.
Some people start smoking because their friends pressure. After smoking a man first, then he or she will be dependent on the worst habits, and can not abandon him in any way.
people continue to smoke. They give the reasons that smoking reduces stress, depression or even boredom. These are all psychological effects and nothing else.
bad effects of smoking people. Through this habit to break all my life and causes death.
of cigarettes Chemicals:
chemicals in cigarettes and cigarette smoke make smoking harmful. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals.
At least 50 are known carcinogens (cause cancer in humans), and many are poisonous.
Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale on a cigarette lit. Once inhaled, smoke condenses and about 70 percent of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the lungs of smokers.
(insecticide / drugs)
One of the most important addiction known to man, strong and fast-acting medical and non-medical poison.
It is a chemical that causes addiction.
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Odorless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large quantities
The same gas that comes from car exhausts
The main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette lit
Smoking and lung cancer:
Agents in the smoke have a direct irritant effect on the tracheobronchial mucosa, producing inflammation and increased mucus production (bronchitis). Cigarette smoke can also cause recruitment of leukocytes into the lungs, increasing the local production of elastase and subsequent injury to lung tissue, leading to emphysema. Components of cigarette smoke in particular polycyclic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines, are potent carcnogens in animals and is likely to be directly involved in the development of cancer pluća.Rizik of developing lung cancer associated with exposure intensity, often expressed in terms of "pack years" (eg, a package of smoked a day for 20 years is 20pack years). In addition, smoking increases the risk of other cancer-causing effects.
Smoking and other diseases:
Tobacco contributes to the development of cancer of the mouth, esophagus. pancreas and bladder. Smoke and smokeless tobacco interact with alcohol in the development of laryngeal raka.Kombinacija of these agents has a multiplicative effect on risk of developing these tumors.
causative mechanism is probably related to several factors, including increased platelet aggregation, decreased mayocardial oxygen (due to significant lung disease with hypoxia related to the CO content of cigarette smoke), with increased oxygen consumption, ismanjen threshold for ventricular fibrillation .
passive smoking:
Did you know that cigarettes are not only harmful to smokers? You May also be smoking without even knowing it. When someone smokes near you become a passive smoker. Passive smoking is breathing in all the poisons without even lighting up a cigarette. It was terrifying and unfair things about smoking.