Five Kinds of Skin Cancer

Posted by Outdoor on Sunday, October 16, 2011

Learn self-examination of skin cancer, as a way of protecting
yourself, it's easy and costs nothing more than a few
minutes of your time every few months.

This is a really good idea to probe a little deeper into the topic
of skin cancer. What have you learned May give you the confidence you
should be on the spot, the first signs of skin cancer.

There are five different types of skin cancer. All of them are
dangerous, although some were more concerned than others.
The most common type of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma with
more than one million Americans in the development of this cancer each year.

Seventy-five percent of all skin cancer cases treated with these
diversity. This type of skin cancer is believed by doctors to
caused by people spending too much time in the sun. What is
why this type of skin cancer tends to be found more ions
common areas of the body that has exposure to the sun. it includes
face, scalp, and upper torso.

, although having more than one form of basal cell carcinoma often
begins as a great blow. It takes the form of a wound that does not
untreated or treated, then it becomes an unhealthy looking
back. These are slow growing, rarely spread to other parts of
body, but still must be attended to quickly.

at least 200,000 Americans a year are treated
Squamous cell carcinoma This is the second most common and
accounts for twenty percent of cases of skin cancer. this
He also blamed on too much sun, but is more common among the middle
aged and elderly people.

They first appear as a crusty place, but this appears
red and irritated looking and does look very similar
little growth or a cook. If you see something that looks like
to go immediately to your health as well as squamous cell
Cancer can spread to other parts of the body.

next in line is the most dangerous skin cancer. that
one melanoma, which affects four percent of those
treated for skin cancer. It is considered the most dangerous
because it is the deadliest.

However, if detected early healing is stunning ninety-five
percent effective. But once it starts its expansion is very
little hope. So, if you see changes in moles or new moles,
especially if you are over thirty, see your doctor

if the remaining one percent is split between Paget disease, and
Kaposi's, and sarcoma. Paget, and is due to cancer in the sweat
gland cancer, genital or urinary tract infection and thus
Cancer occurs in the genital area or around the anus.

It can also get around the nipple to breast cancer
milk ducts, although both men and women can have this problem.
sores look like a normal spotty skin, rashes, and can be very
itching or even bolno.Biopsija is usually necessary to determine whether
is just a skin condition or Paget, S. Kaposi's, sarcoma is a
AIDS related skin cancer is related to herpes.

For more information go to skin cancer