Research continues to show that the most common cause of lung cancer is tobacco use. Lung cancer usually develops over a long period razdoblja.Prvi pre-cancerous changes that are created in the lungs mutate and produce chemicals that result in the formation of new blood vessels. These blood vessels nourish raka.Stanice cancer cells grow together and form a tumor. These cancer cells have the ability to easily spread to other parts of our bodies even before the cancer is detected. This process is known as metastasis and is one of the main reasons why lung cancer is so fast moving and life-threatening.
of lung cancer are classified as small-cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer is further divided into three types, known as squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma. In the United States alone, approximately 213,380 people are estimated to suffer from lung cancer, with nearly 160,390 deaths in the year 2007. Current data show that lung cancer accounts for 29% of all cancer deaths. Approximately one third of cancers and 80% of lung cancers are caused by tobacco use, directly or indirectly.
Lung cancer prevention methods are very important, because it is difficult to detect lung cancer while in the advanced stage, when treatments are really not djelotvorna.Nekoliko simple steps have the potential to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer. Smoking and use of tobacco products should be completely avoided or stopped. The data show that long-term smoking cessation reduces the incidence of lung cancer for more than 50%. Exposure to radon gas and other carcinogens such as petroleum products should be avoided.
of a healthy diet that consists of more fruits and vegetables is highly recommended. Today, many governments have launched an active anti-smoking programs and advertising campaigns, because the pressure on the health care system that tobacco products to add to it. Many of them also impose high taxes on tobacco products discourage tobacco users. Several nations passed strict laws to treat smoking in public places, including workplaces to limit access of tobacco to minors. Studies reveal that smoking bans in workplaces effectively reduce exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) for 72 %.
The anti-tobacco campaign to reduce the initiation of new people on tobacco, decrease tobacco consumption, and increase cessation duhana.Zadobio multi-pronged approach I could create mass awareness about preventing lung cancer. When more and more people understand the harm caused by tobacco consumption would fall and its impact on lung cancer cases would be huge as well as other health problems such as heart disease, stroke and hypertension.