In medical terminology, bowel cancer is also called cancer of the colon or rectum. Its initial symptoms are very modest and routine, such as diarrhea and constipation, pain in the abdomen. However, the persistence of these symptoms that give the first sign of serious problems. This cancer usually affects the lining of the colon, and then spreads to affect the entire colon. Normally, it does not affect the small intestine, so often.
symptoms to watch out for are:
* rectal bleeding - This is one of the initial characters. You will observe blood in the feces or actual blood or tar as it looks.
* abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness - Any abdominal pain that refuses to go with the normal and routine medications required to scan for colon cancer. You'll want to visit the restroom, but the body will not pass any stool. In the case of tumors located in the lower right, it will be pain during bowel movements too.
* sudden change in bowel habit - chairs will be thinner than normal, and the frequency will be higher. You May Also notice degraded blood in the stool.
* Fatigue and weakness - it is the gradual but continuous loss of blood during a bowel movement. In such cases, the anemia condition indicates an internal failure.
* Diarrhea - Normal diarrhea due to infection of the stomach goes with routine medication. In the case of colon cancer, this condition continues despite medication. If this happens to be further investigation.
* Sudden weight loss -. All cancers showed similar conditions due to loss of cancer cells burn more calories than normal healthy cells
In addition to the above symptoms may be associated with constipation and vomiting for a prolonged period. If cancer is diagnosed early, there are good chances for recovery. Even better is taking all possible precautions such as limiting consumption of red meat, increasing the dose of greenery as part of food intake, go with a regular exercise regime by controlling the weight.
Finally, aware of the symptoms will at least increase the chances of early detection and remedial treatment.